I have a computer from a 96' grand prix that had a 4t60E in it,and I have the connectors that went to the computer,and the obdII plig from under the dash..
computer # is 16211539 or 16231964 mean anything to anyone?
I had a old 1.5 computer,that I took a heat gun to and removed the plugs from it,I am going to take the plugs from the 96' and solder them onto the plugs I removed from the 1.5 so I dont destroy my harness,or have to splice into it anyways..
Guess the only sensor I am really going to be lacking is the MAF..

computer # is 16211539 or 16231964 mean anything to anyone?
I had a old 1.5 computer,that I took a heat gun to and removed the plugs from it,I am going to take the plugs from the 96' and solder them onto the plugs I removed from the 1.5 so I dont destroy my harness,or have to splice into it anyways..
Guess the only sensor I am really going to be lacking is the MAF..
