MY car won't run!! I have replaced the fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel pressure regulator, check the ful lines for blockage and the fuel rail appears ok....I replaced the crankshaft sensor, wire from the sensor to the ignition control module, replaced the ignition control module, replaced the coils, put new plug wires and spark plugs in, check for vacuum leaks, check for injector pulse, replaced ECM, checked fuses, checked the timing belt..I meam damn what the hell else could be causing this crap!!! When I crank it, it acts like it wants to run and sometimes cough and then just turn over and over. Now I know it's a little bastard "something" that's causing this whole machine to act like shhhh but who the freak he is i dont freaking know. Anyone out there got an idea, holla back. I'll be checking back and forth to get some incite before i pour gas all over this shhh and set it a fire while it rolls of the cliff to oblivion!! 
