you can check your grounds by doing a ground continuity test.
sounds like you are going to have to start over.
1.verify spark. pull your plug wires out and crank the engine to verify they are arching to ground. also try pulling all 6 wires off of your coilpacks and cranking the engine, if your crank sensor is functioning correctly, it should arch tower to tower.
2. verify fuel. you already have pressure. pull your rail but keep your lines hooked up, set the rail over a container to catch the fuel, be sure to hook up your tps or this will not work. 1st click on the ign, see if any injectors are leaking, then crank the engine to verify they are spraying.
3. verify compression. hook up a compression tester and verify you are getting proper compression.
4. verify sensors.
your tps should read somewhere close to 1.5v off of the signal wire with your ign on and throttle closed.
i forget what your map should read, you'll have to figure it out.
with the coil arch test we kind of verified the cps. only way to actually test it is with an oscilliscope as far as i know.
i do not know about how to test the icm but with the arc test should verify the icm as well as the coilpacks.
iac if you fear your iac is closed you can turn your idle screw up to let in air.
verify timing.
pop your intake off and both of your valve covers, rotate your engine to tdc 2 of the cam flats should face up and 2 should face down. rotate your engine to tdc again, the 2 flats that were up should be down and the set that was down should be up.
that is all i can think of for the moment. double check your connections if none of this works.
sounds like you are going to have to start over.
1.verify spark. pull your plug wires out and crank the engine to verify they are arching to ground. also try pulling all 6 wires off of your coilpacks and cranking the engine, if your crank sensor is functioning correctly, it should arch tower to tower.
2. verify fuel. you already have pressure. pull your rail but keep your lines hooked up, set the rail over a container to catch the fuel, be sure to hook up your tps or this will not work. 1st click on the ign, see if any injectors are leaking, then crank the engine to verify they are spraying.
3. verify compression. hook up a compression tester and verify you are getting proper compression.
4. verify sensors.
your tps should read somewhere close to 1.5v off of the signal wire with your ign on and throttle closed.
i forget what your map should read, you'll have to figure it out.
with the coil arch test we kind of verified the cps. only way to actually test it is with an oscilliscope as far as i know.
i do not know about how to test the icm but with the arc test should verify the icm as well as the coilpacks.
iac if you fear your iac is closed you can turn your idle screw up to let in air.
verify timing.
pop your intake off and both of your valve covers, rotate your engine to tdc 2 of the cam flats should face up and 2 should face down. rotate your engine to tdc again, the 2 flats that were up should be down and the set that was down should be up.
that is all i can think of for the moment. double check your connections if none of this works.