Well guys and gals, it is looking like with the new setup (although it might have happened on the old setup as well, just not as often), some of the images in the signatures are causing the posts to get too wide. I plan on working on the site so that it will resize pictures that are too large automatically and make the picture linkable to the full size version, but I don't know it it'll work with the signatures or not. But in all honesty, it shouldn't matter. I know some of you really like to show off your car in every post, but please shrink the pictures down some. I haven't decided on a max size I am going to allow (pretty sure I have the ability, or will have the ability, to limit that as well), but it will be a size most likely not to exceed 175x400 pixels. So if you currently have a pic in your sig, please resize to the stated size or wait until it no longer shows up, in which case I will just refer you to this post...