My 1997 Cutlass Supreme needs a hood. An OE steel hood is in the $450 range. I do want a new hood, not used. I have found fiberglass hoods for that price or less. I'm gonna attach a pic of one, let me know what you think.

I have an idea for the cowl area, to make vents on either side to extract some heat, and then if the angle is right, use the center area to house a fuel pressure guage, and maybe an oil pressure guage.
P.S. If someone could figure out how to Photoshop this on to a four door Cutty, I'd appreciate it. I will also attach a pic of my car at a similiar angle for your convenience.

I have an idea for the cowl area, to make vents on either side to extract some heat, and then if the angle is right, use the center area to house a fuel pressure guage, and maybe an oil pressure guage.
P.S. If someone could figure out how to Photoshop this on to a four door Cutty, I'd appreciate it. I will also attach a pic of my car at a similiar angle for your convenience.