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  • RODS ??

    I bought a "Low mileage" 3.4 from someone on a different site. 3 broken valve springs, shot Lifters, 1 Cam lobe gone, 3 BENT (I'm talking J shaped) Connecting Rods ! bad bearings ... Nice Guy !
    Question is: I have 2 - 2.8 engines here, Are the Connecting rods the same in the 1986 2.8 as the ones in a 1994 3.4 from a camaro ? Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    Will rods out of a 3400 monte carlo work ? Thanks


    • #3
      They are all the same rods so no problem there.


      • #4
        Thank You

        Thanks for your expertise


        • #5
          Originally posted by Lou6t4gto View Post
          I bought a "Low mileage" 3.4 from someone on a different site. 3 broken valve springs, shot Lifters, 1 Cam lobe gone, 3 BENT (I'm talking J shaped) Connecting Rods ! bad bearings ... Nice Guy !
          Question is: I have 2 - 2.8 engines here, Are the Connecting rods the same in the 1986 2.8 as the ones in a 1994 3.4 from a camaro ? Thanks for your help.
          Dare I ask what could have possibly done that kind of damage?...


          • #6
            only a Guess

            I am "Guessing," too much boost on a turbo, Or way too many RPM's. in any event, Abuse. what else COULD it be.


            • #7
              Any ideas if the block was damaged incidental to so many catastrophes to the moving parts? Any spun bearings... or cracks in the cylinder walls... or in need of cam shaft and/or crankshaft bores in need of any align boring?
              Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 03-18-2010, 10:44 AM.


              • #8

                Scored cylinder walls, lost Lobe, crank definitely needs turned, won't know till next week if the block is cracked or the crank is bent. I may just "toss it in a pile" & start over again with a nice "junkyard Block". My enthusiasm is running out Quick on this one. :-)


                • #9
                  Even with boost I'm surprised it did that much damage, these engines are pretty robust, and it would take some serious abuse to do all that...


                  • #10
                    Three severly bent rods, sounds like possible hydraulic lock to me. Detonation bad enough to do that would almost certainly chip or shatter a stock piston. What exactly is low mileage now days on engines capable of 200k when properly taken care of.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Lou6t4gto View Post
                      Scored cylinder walls, lost Lobe, crank definitely needs turned, won't know till next week if the block is cracked or the crank is bent. I may just "toss it in a pile" & start over again with a nice "junkyard Block". My enthusiasm is running out Quick on this one. :-)
                      Check with your local machine shops for how much of the "Elusive Spondulex" it would take to just boil out, remove the old cam bearings, inspect it carefully and magnaflux that block just to be sure before going one step further on your work. Re-building cast iron with such a sketchy set of fails in its diary can be a long road.. with no turns in it. Better to spend a little now and save on a massive Dollar Headache in the near future... And besides all that... You just might luck into finding a 60* block that has already passed muster and is shrink-wrapped and sitting on a shelf, just waiting to be bargained for...

