not done just yet but im getting there,316 stainless .065 wall thickness 1.5 inch primarys, with 3 inch collectors(made these myself and can supply them if anyone needs cheaper stainless 3 into 1 collectors ca\use burns gets about 255 a pair).
had to relocate my ps pump and alt to make evrything work.and i have room for a 3 inch downpipe on each side of the motor.can be used for a twin or single turbo setup.i started to do this project as a twin setup,but have since decided to go with one very large turbo

sorry about the crappy pics but i had to use a webcam on my laptop to get pics,once i get my reg digicamera back ill take some better pics.
had to relocate my ps pump and alt to make evrything work.and i have room for a 3 inch downpipe on each side of the motor.can be used for a twin or single turbo setup.i started to do this project as a twin setup,but have since decided to go with one very large turbo

sorry about the crappy pics but i had to use a webcam on my laptop to get pics,once i get my reg digicamera back ill take some better pics.