Hello all. I'm new to the forum and I'd first like to say what a great site you have here. I've learned more from this forum than I ever thought I could know. Now my problem is I have a 1992 Pontiac Grand Prix that stalls almost every time I try to accelerate. It doesn't do it every time, but most of the time. I've found that USUALLY if I stomp down on the pedal when this happens before the car actually turns off, the car will take off and be fine till the next time I try to move from a complete stop. It's great on the highway, but is very annoying in traffic! Now I should mention this car belonged to a mechanic, the mechanic put new plugs, wires, and whatever else it needed to run well for a friend he was giving it to, then when the friend got it, she couldn't insure it so it sat for over 9 months in a driveway until I got it. Also it wasn't doing this from day 1. It started about a week after I got the car. But it seems to me to be slowly getting worse. I took out a couple of plugs to see if he really changed them and they look brand new out of the box. So do the wires. I also replaced the gas filter the first day I got it. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Also I have some questions about a 3100 top end from a 95 buick century that I am gonna attempt to swap onto this 3.1 if I ever get it working right. Should I post them in pushrod performance or engine swap? Thanx everyone for reading.
