Here's a picture of the new Fel-pro "problem saver" lower intake manifold gasket for a 3100. I had a hard time finding these- they were back ordered everywhere I checked except advance, and they had them in another store 90 miles away. I live out in BFE kansas, so these might be easier to come by elsewhere. They only come as a complete (sort of) set for about $100. Stuff I got that the set didn't come with include a thermostat, rear heater hose pipe o-ring, oil pump drive o-ring, egr gasket, throttle body gasket.
The gaskets on my 01 lumina are leaking a little externally. There's no sign of coolant in the oil, but the car has 150K miles on it, so I'm going to go ahead and get the job done. I did some research before I bought this set- there are three 'improved' gaskets that I know of for this engine. GM has an improved one that is mentioned on a thread on this board. Napa also has a similar improved gasket, which is also plastic with metal inserts. I went for these fel-pro's because they're not plastic.
Some people say these gasket failures are being caused by Dexcool. I think that's possible considering my experience with Cummins N14 head gaskets (dexcool made them leak like a sieve when some trucking companies switched to it several years back.) GM seems to think that the sealing bead material and excess gasket crush is causing the failures... since that's what they addressed with their new gaskets. I've replaced intake gaskets on two 3100's (a '94 corsica and a '96 achieva). In both cases, the plastic was cracked and starting to crumble. I figure that the thing to do is avoid plastic gaskets altogether. I'll also be flushing the cooling system and switching to good ole' reliable green John Deere antifreeze.[/img]