whats up yall? got a 1995 grand am gt with a 3.1 3100 in it and its got brand new...i mean BRAND NEW fuel pump,fuel filter,fuel relay,radiator,power steering pressure line,alternator,battery,tires,pcv,spark plugs(Bosch platinum gapped to .60),spark plug wires,k&n cone style intake. alot of these brand new replacments are what i thought would cure the problem i have....but no. here it goes.....car runs absolutly fine. but when i turn it off and if i dont let it sit for about 45minutes....it has a weak start and the more times i do it....it gets weaker. kinda hesitant to start-but fires fine. when i let it sit....you'd never think it had a problem.when driving,rpm's running normally but approach a full stop......boggs down to a sputter and sounds like its bout to stall....rpm's drop to damn near zero-but i have to hold both the brake and gas at about 1500rpm's and its fine. i dont like the idea of holding the gas pedal to kep it running. Any clues,ideas,anything to possibly help me with this problem. is it tranny issues?? someone told me to check my coolant temp. sensor.....but cant figure why that would make it bogg to almost a faint stall. is the problem im having with the weak starts be from my starter possibly on its way out??
No announcement yet.
95 grand am gt.....bogging when brakes
#1, get those crap plugs out of there and put in some AC Delcos. Normal R44LTSM6 or for iridium go 41-101. Those bosch plugs are probably 80% of your problem.
Then if it still has the issue, check the IAC valve, it may be sticking and not being able to adjust your idle when you slow down.
The CTS if reading is whack then it will make it run lean or rich (if its reporting -30C then yeah it will run too rich for example)
Also unbolt your EGR and check the valves on it. See if one is loose or stuck open. That can cause something along these lines as well.
But any route CHANGE THOSE PLUGS regardless. Trust us those plugs do not run well in our engines.sigpicNew 2010 project (click image)
1994 3100 BERETTA. 200,000+ miles
16.0 1/4 mile when stock. Now ???
Original L82 Longblock with LA1, LX9, LX5 parts
Manifold-back 2.5" SS Mandrel Exhaust. Hardware is SS too.
okay...il get started on the plugs ASAP...but i went and got a damn near brand new egr valve about 2months ago. left that one out trying to remember all whats been replaced...haha. but my old one hardly moved and the new one was ungodly easy to move. i noticed a big change in the get up of the vehicle....feels a tad bit more torquey and it also cured my engine light issue id have driving on the freeway. so....go back to the delco plugs?? i believe those were what i pulled out of the car about 3-4 months ago when i changed in the bosch's. would a new o2 sensor help anything??Last edited by ecko614; 07-18-2008, 10:51 PM.
First, put AcDelco plugs in.
But it sounds like your tcc gets stuck.
Torque converter clutch. People may argue with me that the 4T60-E won't get a stuck solenoid, but it will. Doesn't happen as often as the 125c, but I've seen it a couple times at my work, even happened to my old beretta.
When you come to a stop, put it in neutral. If it idles normal, then it's the TCC, if it has the same problem, I'm wrongand would check the IAC like Isaac said
You may or may not know 10 times what i do.
ASE Master certified. Just means I can take tests. GM ASEP Graduate.
95' Z26, ported/cammed 3400/3500, OBD2, 282, T3T4. Boxes almost all empty..
well....just took my beast for a ride around the block and i came to a complete stop(without putting my foot on the gas) and it bogged down and started sounded like it was about to shut down....popped it in neutral and the rpm's went up to normal, car sounded perfect.....popped it back and drive, and the rpm's dropped and the engine started muttering again. so the TCC is my problem?? i was told to replace my IAC and my vacuum modulator and my problems would be ghost....changed the IAC, i have an adjustable vacuum modulator-not installed yet....but i was stumped bad when i changed the IAC and it was fine, then a day or so later it went right back to doin it.......
The TCC solenoid may only stick every once in awhile, if that's what it is. But the problem with that, the TCC is no fun to replace on the 4T60-E, but can be done. And the other problem is, it could be the solenoid, the torque converter itself, or the valve body. Just drive it around and pop it into neutral everytime you come to a stop to make sure that's what the problem is. If you have a vac. modulator already bought, might as well put it on.
You may or may not know 10 times what i do.
ASE Master certified. Just means I can take tests. GM ASEP Graduate.
95' Z26, ported/cammed 3400/3500, OBD2, 282, T3T4. Boxes almost all empty..
i been looking around for a rubber hose to connect to the new adjustable vacuum modulator from the t-fitting that branches from the line goin to the manifold and the other end goes to the canister under my battery. I cant find a damn rubber hose anywhere to fit it......freakin auto zone looked at me like i didnt know what i was lookin for or talkin bout for the matter
If your engine isn't running well from crappy bosch plugs then yes it will bog when you engage the transmission as it puts a load on the motor. I would rule out the plugs before you go chasing your tail anymore. They are known to make our motors run like crap.
The modulator comes with a rubber elbow. Just get some rubber vacuum tubing that you buy in bulk off the roll by the foot and make it work.sigpicNew 2010 project (click image)
1994 3100 BERETTA. 200,000+ miles
16.0 1/4 mile when stock. Now ???
Original L82 Longblock with LA1, LX9, LX5 parts
Manifold-back 2.5" SS Mandrel Exhaust. Hardware is SS too.
i agree issac, some stock components are adequate, like the delco plugs...
I might suggest you get a fresh 02 sensor... just because it's not totally shit, i'd imagine it's contaminated pretty well, and that means slow 02 cross counts. I'd run your new 02 sensor 40 to 60k and no more.
I also think people at AutoZone need to get thier fat asses outside and identify things for customers... especially helping hot young women should be a mandate within the company.
I think the diameter of vac tube you want is 3/16 of an inch to 1/4 inchLast edited by IanSzgatti; 07-31-2008, 08:30 PM.
check your batt cables and grounds.
kinda sounds like a tcc stuck to me.3500, 1280 cam and PR, ls6 valve springs, port and polished heads, ported lim, ported uim, 4.3 70mm tb, ported trueleo headers and y pipe ALL FOR SALE (minus the car)
96 LT4 6spd corvette. 355, AI 215cc LT4 Comp CNC Heads, Prope SRS pistons, Ported intake, ARH long tubes, Corsa Indy Pace 4:10 gears
2012 Chevy Sonic Turbo 6spd
1970 M35A2 Deuce and a Half, Spin on filters, Turned up IP, HIDs, Flat Black, 11.00x20 singles.
If the TCC was stuck, wouldn't it kill it completely when stopped? Kind of like when you don't push the clutch in on a manual transmission?-60v6's 2nd Jon M.
91 Black Lumina Z34-5 speed
92 Black Lumina Z34 5 speed (getting there, slowly... follow the progress here)
94 Red Ford Ranger 2WD-5 speed
Originally posted by Jay LenoTires are cheap clutches...