Hello all you V6 gurus 
Car: 1995 Olds Cutlass Supreme SL
Engine/Trans: 3.1 Auto
Miles: 203,xxx MI
Problem: The engine has what feels like a dead miss, and is getting in the 15mpg range. The SES light isn't on. The miss has gotten more severe lately, and feels like it's on 4cyl. I bought a useless code reader from a chain store, so I can't say if there are any stored codes.
1. What code reader can I beg/borrow that will read the codes on a '95. The application guides list '89-93. Then in '96 they went OBD2. I know that if it were a '94 I could jump terminals to check codes. This doesn't work.
2. Could I be fighting a mechanical problem, if so, what does it sound like?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

Car: 1995 Olds Cutlass Supreme SL
Engine/Trans: 3.1 Auto
Miles: 203,xxx MI
Problem: The engine has what feels like a dead miss, and is getting in the 15mpg range. The SES light isn't on. The miss has gotten more severe lately, and feels like it's on 4cyl. I bought a useless code reader from a chain store, so I can't say if there are any stored codes.
1. What code reader can I beg/borrow that will read the codes on a '95. The application guides list '89-93. Then in '96 they went OBD2. I know that if it were a '94 I could jump terminals to check codes. This doesn't work.
2. Could I be fighting a mechanical problem, if so, what does it sound like?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give.