just wondering is there anyway that a 3400 plenum could bolt onto a 3500 lower intake? i dunno i just like the look of the 3400 one better. i was planning on getting something put on the top of it. and it would work better on the blank 3400 plenum. or would the 3400 restrict airflow to the 3500?
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3500 plenum
The 3400 plenum will fit on the 3500 lower and vice versa but the 3500 upper dosent have runners like the 3400 and the runners supposedly restrict airflow.
And also the 3500 inlet and ports are already bigger than the 3400, but you can get it ported to match or do it yourself.
Ive personally never seen the dyno/airflow results of the 2 plenums changing but i do believe the 3500 flows better.
the VVT had a slightly different different looking intake, thats about it, and i dont believe its usable on a LX9 (3500 non VVT) Alot of people paint and polish them.