I just finished rebuilding engine in a 94 grand prix. Started it this am heard rattle from left side of motor. My wife said the oil pressure light was on. Hard to believe I had her run it a little more as I looked in oil fill cap and I could see oil moving around. Shut down motor and have been scratching my head since. I filled oil pump when it was installed. it was upside down on stand when I put pan on. I spun motor to align timing gears. I believe the oil pump has an air lock or partial. noise from motor is opposite end of pump. I'd like to take dist cap off to spin pump with a drill. I took upper intake off and the stainless fuel lines are in the way. I never unhooked them for the rebuild, just moved intake out of way. Am I looking for trouble by unhooking them or is there another way. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm at the end of my rope with this car. I know enough about this stuff to be dangerous
