Alright, first post, here we go.
I've looked around a bit and as far as I can tell my car has a munchie 282? 5 speed transmission. I picked the car up for 250 bucks, it's a 88 or 89 grand prix SE with the 2.8l and a dash claiming only 33k. When I picked the car up I knew there was an issue with the transmission so now its time to fix the problem. As the story goes, friends brother buys car knowing it needs clutch. Step dad replaces clutch but does not fill trans. Car drives across town...then refuses to move under its own power.
I started and attempted to drive the car now that i've got it home via trailer and it makes no attempt to move in any gear. It makes a grinding sound when in any gear with clutch pedal released, less noise in neutral and no noise with clutch pedal to the floor. Checked the transmission fluid levels and they are as previously stated, none existant :P. The shifter feels very stiff when moving (Vs my 89 F150 shifter anyway) and suspecting a possible incomplete shift I attempted to manually shift the levers that the shifter cables interact with but even thou I managed to get it into what I think was a gear, nothing different occured
Anyway, I figured i'd have to pull the trans when I bought the car so I started on that yesterday. I mostly want to confirm that the tranny is pooched and that I am looking at getting the correct replacement when the time comes. Also, I found one thread either on this or another forum that stated the tranny could be removed by dropping one side of the subframe and removing the drivers suspension/whatever is in the way on that side of the car. I have already started removing the engine under the impression that it was the only way to get the transmission out in a fwd but if there is an easier way or there is a comprehensive thread that would point me in the right direction I would very much appreciate knowing about it. So far the coolant lines are off, a bunch of electrical is removed, the damn AC compressor is hanging on by one bolt and the power steering is taunting me with its seemingly engineered into the engine stuckness (Removed bolts but its starting to seem like it would be easier to remove the lines)
Thanks for any input ^^
I've looked around a bit and as far as I can tell my car has a munchie 282? 5 speed transmission. I picked the car up for 250 bucks, it's a 88 or 89 grand prix SE with the 2.8l and a dash claiming only 33k. When I picked the car up I knew there was an issue with the transmission so now its time to fix the problem. As the story goes, friends brother buys car knowing it needs clutch. Step dad replaces clutch but does not fill trans. Car drives across town...then refuses to move under its own power.
I started and attempted to drive the car now that i've got it home via trailer and it makes no attempt to move in any gear. It makes a grinding sound when in any gear with clutch pedal released, less noise in neutral and no noise with clutch pedal to the floor. Checked the transmission fluid levels and they are as previously stated, none existant :P. The shifter feels very stiff when moving (Vs my 89 F150 shifter anyway) and suspecting a possible incomplete shift I attempted to manually shift the levers that the shifter cables interact with but even thou I managed to get it into what I think was a gear, nothing different occured
Anyway, I figured i'd have to pull the trans when I bought the car so I started on that yesterday. I mostly want to confirm that the tranny is pooched and that I am looking at getting the correct replacement when the time comes. Also, I found one thread either on this or another forum that stated the tranny could be removed by dropping one side of the subframe and removing the drivers suspension/whatever is in the way on that side of the car. I have already started removing the engine under the impression that it was the only way to get the transmission out in a fwd but if there is an easier way or there is a comprehensive thread that would point me in the right direction I would very much appreciate knowing about it. So far the coolant lines are off, a bunch of electrical is removed, the damn AC compressor is hanging on by one bolt and the power steering is taunting me with its seemingly engineered into the engine stuckness (Removed bolts but its starting to seem like it would be easier to remove the lines)
Thanks for any input ^^