Have a rebuilt 4T60E in my 1997 Bonneville (I know it's not a 60 degree V6, but please bear with me
). This is the second rebuilt tranny in this car. The first rebuild acted strange from day one... slow shifts at high rpm/low vacuum and firmer shifts at low rpm/high vacuum (yes, that's backwards of what it should be), missed shifts, etc. It eventually developed a condition where it wouldn't shift gears when given more than 1/2 to 2/3 throttle unless I let off the gas. We swapped it out for the current tranny (which was rebuilt by the same person), and lo and behold this transmission has the exact same issues. We opened up the first tranny to see if we could figure out the problem, and found what we believe to be a bunch of clutch material in the bottom pan. Seems the trannies have some sort of fluid pressure issue where the clutches aren't engaging fully and are slipping quite a bit, causing slow/missed shifts and poor acceleration.
What could be causing this issue? I've already changed vacuum modulators, to no avail. If I use the adjustment screw in the modulator the low rpm shifts get firm (especially the 1-2 shift), but it still shifts really slow at higher throttle settings. I poked around on these forums and found a few mentions of electrical issues causing some problems, so is there any chance we've wired something wrong or I have a bad VSS? What should we be checking?
I've already surrendered to the fact that I'll probably have to do another rebuild, but if this issue is electrical then it won't do me any good. I'm pretty desperate to figure this out, so any comments or ideas are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

What could be causing this issue? I've already changed vacuum modulators, to no avail. If I use the adjustment screw in the modulator the low rpm shifts get firm (especially the 1-2 shift), but it still shifts really slow at higher throttle settings. I poked around on these forums and found a few mentions of electrical issues causing some problems, so is there any chance we've wired something wrong or I have a bad VSS? What should we be checking?
I've already surrendered to the fact that I'll probably have to do another rebuild, but if this issue is electrical then it won't do me any good. I'm pretty desperate to figure this out, so any comments or ideas are appreciated. Thanks in advance.