probablly a silly question but,new to this sight and Im not seeing any direct answers to a question I a 1997 ga with the tipicalblown motor from intake gasket failure. looking to replace entire motor,havent had much sucess finding a replacement.but a have found a monte with a 3400,can I put the intakes from the 3100 and install onto 3400 and drop in with any other complications.I intend on stripping 3100 down and using all external parts and sensors incl.injectors
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Although not specifically based on what you are trying to do, the guide on will basically cover all that you need to know n the subject.
Also, why would you want to use the intake from the 3100?-Brad-
89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
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Since its a 97, the 3400 will be the same. If you get a 96-99 3400, then mounting will be exactly the same. If you get a 00+ 3400, it still uses the same EGR, just mounted slightly different.-Brad-
89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
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are you saying it should go in without a hitch.or are you saying it will?the other concern was the injecter harness [multec old sty verses new]them are just the obvious things that stick out.again trying to make this a quick and easy verses waiting for the 3100 to show up
Did you look at the swap guide yet? Since you mention the 3400 you found is in a MC, it is therefore a 00+ 3400. For the injectors, just use your existing injectors for now. There has been discussions on converting the injector harnesses over between the different styles.-Brad-
89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
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If the 3400 is a 96-99 then it will be a direct swap, just re-use your injector harness if different, might want to keep your injectors if known good too, as old injectors that sit for a while sometimes go bad and stick. Same for FPR. Just swap your whole fuel rail over.
If it's a 2000+ 3400, then only thing to keep the intakes is to get a UIM from a 96-99 and your EGR will bolt up just fine. Or if you wanted to keep the 2000+ style (flows a little better) then get the 2000+ EGR and tube as the electrical is the same on it, it just mounts differently.
I'd not bother with swaping the 3100 intakes on as they flow a lot worse, and since the GA is a 97 you can use the 3400 96-99 stuff no problem no issues.
You should replace the LIM on the 3400 before you put it in though, so that you don't have to do this ever again. Get one of the metal felpro or dorman kits and it will be good to go forever. Plus you don't know the shape of the gasket on the 3400 you are getting probably.
Only thing I can think of is the timing cover having an extra stud, but that guide talks about that. No need to swap timing cover just get a haxsaw/etc and cut it off .sigpicNew 2010 project (click image)
1994 3100 BERETTA. 200,000+ miles
16.0 1/4 mile when stock. Now ???
Original L82 Longblock with LA1, LX9, LX5 parts
Manifold-back 2.5" SS Mandrel Exhaust. Hardware is SS too.