It's one of those things that once you get a feel for it, you're like phew! I figured out the trick! Then next time you do it you've forgot and fight with it for a while. Then come back and first try it falls into place. LOL
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exact parts needed for top end swap into olds
well after playing around in the junkyard, i have come to the conclusion the easiest way to get the PS pump back on woulda been to do it before the upper manifold. So thats what im gonna do today.
Also the junkyard gave me the TPS connector for free. So, what wires go to what? I got a blue, grey and a brown looking one...
are you hooking the TPS connector to the TPS? If so, the colours should all be the same. Blue to Blue, Gray to Gray, Black to Black.
Or are you useing the TPS connector for the coolant sensor, or for the AC pressure switch?Taylor
1988 Olds Cutlass Supreme 3100 MPFI
1990 Pontiac Grand Prix STE 3.1 MPFI
1994 Olds Cutlass Supreme convertible
1998 Lincoln Mark VIII
"find something simple and complicate it"
i'll double check that once i get home, but yeah i hope they are the same! All of my other sensors from the olds transferred right over to the new manifolds except for the TPS so no worries there...
once i get the egr gasket , all that should be left is:
alternator (yall pray this doenst get funky too)
ignition coils
ps pump
new plug wires
put the serpentine belt back on
and charge up the battery!
It will take a bit for the ECM to relearn. Even re-learn stock motor after being disconnected. But you'll pull a lot better on the high RPM's like on the highway and stuff.sigpicNew 2010 project (click image)
1994 3100 BERETTA. 200,000+ miles
16.0 1/4 mile when stock. Now ???
Original L82 Longblock with LA1, LX9, LX5 parts
Manifold-back 2.5" SS Mandrel Exhaust. Hardware is SS too.
ok, got the tPS taken care of all the TB all hooked up, dropped the PS pump in. Now how in the holy hell do I redo these throttle cables???? The ends are different, one might be able to be used again because its the right length, but the end is still different. Can I cut it off and put the little metal weight looking thing on it so it'll fit my TB? If so where so I get that piece from?
You swap out the new cables you got and ditch the old.... The new cables fit the TB linkage right? If not you need to grab a TB that fits the cables, then swap the shaft/linkage into your 3400 TB.sigpicNew 2010 project (click image)
1994 3100 BERETTA. 200,000+ miles
16.0 1/4 mile when stock. Now ???
Original L82 Longblock with LA1, LX9, LX5 parts
Manifold-back 2.5" SS Mandrel Exhaust. Hardware is SS too.
ok, i had to cut the tb cables and put new ends on them. The olds has some little funky box with a spring and pulley that activates the throttle body from another cable that goes to the pedal. There was no way that the cable i pulled were gonna work... I found the wire crimps at lowes for 78 cent a pack.
Anyway, I decided the hell with cruise control...
but i am having trouble with the big brass connector that goes to the heater core, I cant seem to find one anywhere. I may have to go pull one at the junkyard. Im gonna pull me an egr valve gasket there too because the parts stores all seem to be out of those
You can probably re-use your EGR gasket if it's not torn up. The fitting in the LIM that goes to the heater core lines can be found in the HELP! section of the stores. It's a coolant quick disconnect. If yours still has the plastic parts inside intact, you can just slide them out and put a new o-ring in there too. That's what I did last time on mine.
So you found the round crimp on things the throttle body uses at lowes??? Is it letting the TB close and open all the way?
Cruise you could probably rig something up too.sigpicNew 2010 project (click image)
1994 3100 BERETTA. 200,000+ miles
16.0 1/4 mile when stock. Now ???
Original L82 Longblock with LA1, LX9, LX5 parts
Manifold-back 2.5" SS Mandrel Exhaust. Hardware is SS too.
yep, they were 3/16 braided wire crimps... in this pic you can see the box that the throttle cable runs into on the firewall behind the tranny dipstick... Overall it works and doesnt look half badit opens and closes all the way, but I wanna find a way to completely avoid that lil box...i think its stupid as crap
the heater connector i need is a push in type that none of the stores around here carry. That really sucked because I was wanting to test everything out this weekend. I am going to call Napa and the local dealership and see if they got any on monday morning. I already had the plastic clips and new o -ring. I got those before i found out the dang connector were different!
UPDATE: i went to everyone i could think including 2 GM dealerships and everyone pretty much told me that the manifold i have could not possibly have a push in heater hose connector. WTF? I even went back tothe junkyard and got the VIN number from the car i pulled the manifolds from and called it in. They told me I was mistaken and that GM never used such a connector.
So in my anger I have disassembled the engine and i now have tha manifold in the trunk of my other car so i can go slap the guys at the parts desk with it for their non belief...
rat bastards...
OMG you took it apart? ...
Ok the LIM is 2001 right? That means it will need to be tapped with NPT for your threaded connection (you do have a threaded adapter that your metal pipe pushes into right?). Or you can grab the push in style metal pipe from a junkyard, use that making sure it bolts up somewhere so it doesn't slide out of the manifold, and then connect it to your existing line with hose and clamps to that.
I think the NPT tap size is 3/4".Last edited by IsaacHayes; 04-16-2008, 02:43 PM.sigpicNew 2010 project (click image)
1994 3100 BERETTA. 200,000+ miles
16.0 1/4 mile when stock. Now ???
Original L82 Longblock with LA1, LX9, LX5 parts
Manifold-back 2.5" SS Mandrel Exhaust. Hardware is SS too.
someone please help me undertand why i cant get this thing to stay running? it sounds like the my plug wires are out of order, but i went by the order on the sticker under the hood... the haynes manual was no help as it looked to be backwards from the setu p on the car