As the title says in need of the bin to help fix a la1/5 speed tune for a friend that let a 60degree performance person do the tune. Where they are out of $160 for a tune that runs like crap with all auto stuff still on. Thanks
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In need of dhp monte 9387112 bin
What year? Here's the OBD2 bin files that are on the site: Silvermist GL2 Sedan w/ LX9 3500 V6
Current performance mods: TCE 65mm throttle body, ported 3400 upper intake manifold, ported 3500 lower intake manifold and heads, WOT-Tech Strip performance cam 276/264 adv duration .536"/.520" lift , COMP Cams 26915 Valve Springs, 28# Trailblazer Injectors, TOG headers, LS1 MAF, MMS Walbro 255 LPH Fuel Pump, Custom PCM tune and 4th Gen Camaro front calipers
I know of those bins, I wouldn't have asked if it was thereIt's a 00 monte or impala bin that from what I could track down is one dhp made you use. Trying to save the kid some cash hence looking for the above .bin as he only has hptuners. Long story short milzy did the tune for a 5 speed swap in a 2k third gen jbody. Where he has all the issues I did tune related when I did my swap. Milzy is blaming it on wiring issues according to the person, though has the auto idle, gave him a air pump tune so setting codes for it and over all the tune is whack with all the pe delays and adders for a auto still there.
Only DHP files I have are the Impala for 2000 OSID#12201830 and then for the Monte OSID#12202942 Both of those are L36 files so that wont help much...
Only 2000 LA1 file I have is an AleroLast edited by 3400-95-Modified; 05-12-2014, 03:48 PM.
Got Lope?
3500 Build, Comp XFI Cam 218/230 .050 dur .570/.568 lift 113LSA
Fully Balanced, Ported, 3 Angle Valve Job, 65mm TCE TB, S&S Headers.
Stage-1 Raybestos/Alto 4t60e-HD, EP LSD, 3.69FDR
12.61@105 Epping NH Oct 2015 Nitrous 100shot (melted plugs) 13.58@98.8 N/A 3200LBS
You could try using a 2000 Grand Am/Alero .BIN and use TinyTuner to swap the VIN number to a Monte Carlo VIN... I don't know if that would work, but its worth a try.2000 Silvermist GL2 Sedan w/ LX9 3500 V6
Current performance mods: TCE 65mm throttle body, ported 3400 upper intake manifold, ported 3500 lower intake manifold and heads, WOT-Tech Strip performance cam 276/264 adv duration .536"/.520" lift , COMP Cams 26915 Valve Springs, 28# Trailblazer Injectors, TOG headers, LS1 MAF, MMS Walbro 255 LPH Fuel Pump, Custom PCM tune and 4th Gen Camaro front calipers
I was going to use tinytuner as my sunfire is tuned on it. I done hex edited a .bin to try that and hptuners throws a invalid osid/vin mismatch error. But hptuners locks to the pcm serial any way though I can changed that out. As the way it stands hptuners will make him use two credits on his pcm. Then another two credits on the .bin I would do for him. Where last time I spoke with him milzy wasn't being much help and giving him the run around over it.
I will pull my external hard drive and see if I have this file.2000 Grand Am GT
2011 Chevy Impala
"The world's best cam combined with a poor set of heads will produce an engine that's a dog. But bolt on a set of great heads even with a poor cam, and that engine will still make great power." ~John Lingenfelter
When I open .Bin files I read with my DHP PowrTuner, it gives me the ability to swap out the serial and vin when opened in TinyTuner. From what I understand, you can't use the Grand AM/Alero bin files in your PCM because I don't think they'll work because your PCM has a different Service number then the Alero and Grand AM and those bin files may be specific the PCM's service number.
When you go to and you look up the Engine Computer for a 2000 Monte Carlo, the results say that the service number is 09361735. It also shows a list of cars that share that same PCM. I'm thinking that it would be safe to use a bin file from one of those other cars (with a 3100 or 3400) and just input your vin and serial using TinyTuner if you can't find the right one for the Monte Carlo, but I can't confirm that this would actually work. It's just what I would try.2000 Silvermist GL2 Sedan w/ LX9 3500 V6
Current performance mods: TCE 65mm throttle body, ported 3400 upper intake manifold, ported 3500 lower intake manifold and heads, WOT-Tech Strip performance cam 276/264 adv duration .536"/.520" lift , COMP Cams 26915 Valve Springs, 28# Trailblazer Injectors, TOG headers, LS1 MAF, MMS Walbro 255 LPH Fuel Pump, Custom PCM tune and 4th Gen Camaro front calipers
I didn't have a chance to look last night, but will try to remember tonight.2000 Grand Am GT
2011 Chevy Impala
"The world's best cam combined with a poor set of heads will produce an engine that's a dog. But bolt on a set of great heads even with a poor cam, and that engine will still make great power." ~John Lingenfelter
Here is the file you are looking for.Attached Files2000 Grand Am GT
2011 Chevy Impala
"The world's best cam combined with a poor set of heads will produce an engine that's a dog. But bolt on a set of great heads even with a poor cam, and that engine will still make great power." ~John Lingenfelter