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Pcm leaning Idle

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  • Pcm leaning Idle

    Just want to double check;
    I think this is normal,
    At idle my Wideband is reading 21-22, Pcm O2 reading fairly lean as well.

    I have been thinking this is just the PCMs way of reducing fuel consumption etc?

    When I first started tuning and noticed I replaced the HO2s, no change, so I swapped out the Wideband for a new one and it was the same.

    This is when I assumed it was normal.

    Am I correct in this?

    I guess I could change it in TinyTuners maybe, under
    Fuel-Open/Closed Looped-O2 Sensor Rich/Lean Threshold

    But is it necessary?

    Mainly want to double check that this occurrence is normal?
    As of April 2
    3rd Gen Cavy has 3500 Installed!
    Engine: 2006 SV6 3500 LX9
    Trans: 2002 Getrag F23 5speed
    Pcm: 2001 Impala La1 3400 with complete Engine Harness.
    Injectors: #36 GTPs
    TB: 65mm TCE
    Maf: 1999 3400 Montana.
    Adjustable TCE Fuel pressure Regulator
    Walbro W1 255 pump from Racetronix.
    Beverages: Ice Cold CANADIAN.

  • #2
    definitely not normal... the EPA has had GM by the balls since the 80s when it comes to AFRs... anytime you're not in open loop due to a cold motor, or are in PE or the cat is overtemp, then you are going to be stuck at 14.7:1... unless you can change the stoich AFR in the tune, in which case it SHOULD be wherever you set it to. what does the STFT and LTFT say at idle?
    1995 Monte Carlo LS 3100, 4T60E...for now, future plans include driving it until the wheels fall off!
    Latest nAst1 files here!
    Need a wiring diagram for any GM car or truck from 82-06(and 07-08 cars)? PM me!


    • #3
      Well they were like - 10 to -15 but I had been tuning that down, have them around +1 to -1 now

      Why would Pcm be cutting fuel if WB see very lean? Seems to be only at Idle?

      Unless not enough flow by WB due to a Plugged Cat maybe?
      As of April 2
      3rd Gen Cavy has 3500 Installed!
      Engine: 2006 SV6 3500 LX9
      Trans: 2002 Getrag F23 5speed
      Pcm: 2001 Impala La1 3400 with complete Engine Harness.
      Injectors: #36 GTPs
      TB: 65mm TCE
      Maf: 1999 3400 Montana.
      Adjustable TCE Fuel pressure Regulator
      Walbro W1 255 pump from Racetronix.
      Beverages: Ice Cold CANADIAN.


      • #4
        flow shouldn't matter to a wideband... and are you saying that you have the wideband AFTER the cat? seems like it would be best up in the original position and emulating a narrowband for the PCM.
        1995 Monte Carlo LS 3100, 4T60E...for now, future plans include driving it until the wheels fall off!
        Latest nAst1 files here!
        Need a wiring diagram for any GM car or truck from 82-06(and 07-08 cars)? PM me!


        • #5
          No No, WB is in down pipe, approx 10" from stock HO2s.
          By restricted flow, I meant Narrow band would see Rich while Wide band see Lean? Thus PCM thinking rich and leaning it out even though she is already lean?

          But Honestly, I had thought about a restricted Cat earlier, but Map increase to 50 - 60 with 25% TP, on most vehicles with a plugged cat I see they would jump right up to 85-95 quite quick?
          As of April 2
          3rd Gen Cavy has 3500 Installed!
          Engine: 2006 SV6 3500 LX9
          Trans: 2002 Getrag F23 5speed
          Pcm: 2001 Impala La1 3400 with complete Engine Harness.
          Injectors: #36 GTPs
          TB: 65mm TCE
          Maf: 1999 3400 Montana.
          Adjustable TCE Fuel pressure Regulator
          Walbro W1 255 pump from Racetronix.
          Beverages: Ice Cold CANADIAN.


          • #6
            you couldn't actually idle at a 21:1 AFR idle... you'd be lucky to pass 16.5:1 and not have it surge/misfire itself into stalling.
            1995 Monte Carlo LS 3100, 4T60E...for now, future plans include driving it until the wheels fall off!
            Latest nAst1 files here!
            Need a wiring diagram for any GM car or truck from 82-06(and 07-08 cars)? PM me!


            • #7
              It is really weird, its only at idle, when cruising I get fluxuating 12-16 and WOT 9 (have not tuned WOT yet)
              As of April 2
              3rd Gen Cavy has 3500 Installed!
              Engine: 2006 SV6 3500 LX9
              Trans: 2002 Getrag F23 5speed
              Pcm: 2001 Impala La1 3400 with complete Engine Harness.
              Injectors: #36 GTPs
              TB: 65mm TCE
              Maf: 1999 3400 Montana.
              Adjustable TCE Fuel pressure Regulator
              Walbro W1 255 pump from Racetronix.
              Beverages: Ice Cold CANADIAN.


              • #8
                Well this really SUX
                I can not trust my WB.

                I have been doing some reading about airpockets etcs, and see that I should put the WB on the slowest rate and not instant reading.

                So I do this, Now at idle is about 17-18 still off, when cruising it is steady 14.6 to 14.8

                WOT 12.5 (big change from 9.8 with out any tune changes)

                I am going to rewire and pay close attention to the grounds, not sure if this will make it better or not.
                As of April 2
                3rd Gen Cavy has 3500 Installed!
                Engine: 2006 SV6 3500 LX9
                Trans: 2002 Getrag F23 5speed
                Pcm: 2001 Impala La1 3400 with complete Engine Harness.
                Injectors: #36 GTPs
                TB: 65mm TCE
                Maf: 1999 3400 Montana.
                Adjustable TCE Fuel pressure Regulator
                Walbro W1 255 pump from Racetronix.
                Beverages: Ice Cold CANADIAN.


                • #9
                  yeah, it does sound like a "lack of buffer" issue... and it doesn't need it anywhere other than idle due to the increase in airflow.
                  1995 Monte Carlo LS 3100, 4T60E...for now, future plans include driving it until the wheels fall off!
                  Latest nAst1 files here!
                  Need a wiring diagram for any GM car or truck from 82-06(and 07-08 cars)? PM me!


                  • #10
                    If I couldnt rely on it at Idle wouldnt really bother me to much, I would just tune with Narrow anyways.

                    But since I set the buffer to slowest, read rate, my WOT numbers went from 9.8 to 12.5.

                    So I imaging if I set the refresh rate in the middle, my WOT reading would be in the middle.

                    So what number is correct? lol,

                    At least now I know the issue lies with the WB, but frustrating now that I can not trust it.

                    I put sensor half way down the down pipe @ 9 O'clock, it came with a DEEP bung but I did shave it down abit, not sure if the depth in the pipe would be causing this?
                    As of April 2
                    3rd Gen Cavy has 3500 Installed!
                    Engine: 2006 SV6 3500 LX9
                    Trans: 2002 Getrag F23 5speed
                    Pcm: 2001 Impala La1 3400 with complete Engine Harness.
                    Injectors: #36 GTPs
                    TB: 65mm TCE
                    Maf: 1999 3400 Montana.
                    Adjustable TCE Fuel pressure Regulator
                    Walbro W1 255 pump from Racetronix.
                    Beverages: Ice Cold CANADIAN.


                    • #11
                      as long as that slowest read rate actually takes the sensor value and averages it before displaying it, then it would be fine, just a bit slow to react.

                      but it makes no sense that it read incredibly lean at idle when it was stoich, and incredibly rich at WOT, when it was likely more around 12.5:1.... or at least it doesn't to me. i'm not a WB fan... they are effected too much by spark advance and location for me to trust them.

                      when in doubt, do plug cuts.
                      1995 Monte Carlo LS 3100, 4T60E...for now, future plans include driving it until the wheels fall off!
                      Latest nAst1 files here!
                      Need a wiring diagram for any GM car or truck from 82-06(and 07-08 cars)? PM me!


                      • #12
                        I had some time this aft. and wanted to re/re all the mounts to put on thread locker now that everything has settled.

                        Did not rewire yet, but decided to remove the down pipe, and look at bung.

                        The bung that came with my Gauge was very deep (said to protect if in a spot that was too hot) I had ground down a bit in initial install but was still deeper than normal.

                        So I cut it down, leveled it and made sure threads were good.

                        I just recheck and now its idling from 14.4 to 14.8 and seems to follow the narrow band.

                        All in all, I guess it was just that the sensor was not in the flow enough.
                        Why such a deep bung if it wouldn't work though? I don't know but sure am glad to now see the WB and NB correlating at Idle!!
                        As of April 2
                        3rd Gen Cavy has 3500 Installed!
                        Engine: 2006 SV6 3500 LX9
                        Trans: 2002 Getrag F23 5speed
                        Pcm: 2001 Impala La1 3400 with complete Engine Harness.
                        Injectors: #36 GTPs
                        TB: 65mm TCE
                        Maf: 1999 3400 Montana.
                        Adjustable TCE Fuel pressure Regulator
                        Walbro W1 255 pump from Racetronix.
                        Beverages: Ice Cold CANADIAN.


                        • #13
                          that deep bung would probably be useful if you were trying to track AFRs for individual cylinders, or if you have HIGH EGTs, but it sounds like you'll do just fine with the shorter setup.
                          1995 Monte Carlo LS 3100, 4T60E...for now, future plans include driving it until the wheels fall off!
                          Latest nAst1 files here!
                          Need a wiring diagram for any GM car or truck from 82-06(and 07-08 cars)? PM me!

