After getting my block back from the machine shop I noticed a couple plugs missing. Here are some pics of the plugs Im missing.
The one isnt a plug, it's the oil pressure sending unit, but my sender is located in another place so I need something to plug that hole. I've never seen a sender located in that particular boss so hopefully someone has a plug.
I need these plugs yesterday. I'll pay for overnight priority superfast airmail shipping, I dont care.
Someone has to have a spare block laying around? Anyone?
The one isnt a plug, it's the oil pressure sending unit, but my sender is located in another place so I need something to plug that hole. I've never seen a sender located in that particular boss so hopefully someone has a plug.
I need these plugs yesterday. I'll pay for overnight priority superfast airmail shipping, I dont care.
Someone has to have a spare block laying around? Anyone?