2 weeks ago tomorrow, I blew both head gaskets.

2 days ago, I finished replacing both gaskets with Felpro replacements.
I decided to take the TGP to class today in Indy. About 10 miles outside of Indy, some dude in a Mazda wanted to get his ass kicked. Middle of second gear, 50% throttle (too afraid to get on it all the way because I don't want to blow it up). 4psi of boost after a couple of seconds, into third. Smashed his ass.
Then dude starts flashin me. I see in his headlights a shit ton of smoke. I pull it over, shut it off, and sure enough, theres a lot of smoke coming out the exhaust, and under the hood. So I pop out the dipstick and the oil level is normal, a little low maybe. Last time this happened, coolant mixed with oil and the radiator exploded from the added pressure when the gasket blew. This time, I didnt even realize it blew. But I'm sure it blew because I can see pulses of smoke coming up out of the valve cover.
So I start it up and turn around to drive the half a mile back to the nearest gas station. Lots of smoke, running on 5 cylinders. I pull in and check the oil level again. 1 qt low. Still no coolant in the oil.
I figure I blew a gasket again, but I don't know where all the oil is going. Is the oil burning off in the combustion chamber and that's where all the smoke is coming from? Did a piston ring blow and I'm getting some serious blow-by?
The AFR was about 11.5, the coolant temp was 200*, I pulled 5* of spark timing after the first gasket blew. I was running 4psi when it happened.
The car is sitting in Indy right now. Tomorrow I'll tow it back home.
Are the factory gaskets (and replacements) really so weak that they are unable to handle 4psi of boost?

2 days ago, I finished replacing both gaskets with Felpro replacements.
I decided to take the TGP to class today in Indy. About 10 miles outside of Indy, some dude in a Mazda wanted to get his ass kicked. Middle of second gear, 50% throttle (too afraid to get on it all the way because I don't want to blow it up). 4psi of boost after a couple of seconds, into third. Smashed his ass.
Then dude starts flashin me. I see in his headlights a shit ton of smoke. I pull it over, shut it off, and sure enough, theres a lot of smoke coming out the exhaust, and under the hood. So I pop out the dipstick and the oil level is normal, a little low maybe. Last time this happened, coolant mixed with oil and the radiator exploded from the added pressure when the gasket blew. This time, I didnt even realize it blew. But I'm sure it blew because I can see pulses of smoke coming up out of the valve cover.
So I start it up and turn around to drive the half a mile back to the nearest gas station. Lots of smoke, running on 5 cylinders. I pull in and check the oil level again. 1 qt low. Still no coolant in the oil.
I figure I blew a gasket again, but I don't know where all the oil is going. Is the oil burning off in the combustion chamber and that's where all the smoke is coming from? Did a piston ring blow and I'm getting some serious blow-by?
The AFR was about 11.5, the coolant temp was 200*, I pulled 5* of spark timing after the first gasket blew. I was running 4psi when it happened.
The car is sitting in Indy right now. Tomorrow I'll tow it back home.
Are the factory gaskets (and replacements) really so weak that they are unable to handle 4psi of boost?