K, we gots a Mori Sieki NL2000. No Y axis, so I'm programming on the C axis. But to give you an idea, I'll post some pics below of what I done. I took a piece of 6" aluminum round stock and started cutting for a pulley. Trial and error took awhile since I couldnt get the right G code to use an R value on the same line with C and X to cut a straight line. Anyone want to share what they might know. Can make parts cheap, I dont have any cad software, so its got to be simple enough to use a calculator on. I just did the face side only, got this done earlier today..
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I'm not really sure what you are asking. We also have a Mori and we use X and Z to denote movement. Are you trying to make a radius tangent to turning/facing? You need to enter the start point and endpoint of the radius and of course give it a feed and speed in the lines above. I don't have the G codes memorized and am using a Fanuc 11tt controller, when I get to the shop later I can give you what our controller uses, but it might not be the exact same as you if you are using a different one. I use MasterCAM 8, 9 and X - they make it easy to write a program using a CAD (or any solid part drawing like Solid Works) without having to write lines and lines of code right on the NC.
Well I tried to do a 5 spoke design pulley on a live tooling lathe, Mori Seiki NL 2000. We dont have any cad yet, and our Mori has a Mitsubishi Controller. On our Lathe, X is up or down, Z is in or out, and C is spindle direction in degree. So after I used a 1/2 drill in the face at 72* intervals around the part, I took a 1/2 E-mill to mill out the pockets. I feed in where the holes were, and feed up in X and rotated C to a plus 15*, next move went to minus 15*, next move went back to start point of X and C. That didnt produce what I was looking for, so I then edited program, and again, and again, I'm only skimming face about .005 till it looks good. I desided to settle on a 10 window design thats in the pics. This time I went for a tear drop look. I went up to X point rotating C to plus 12*, then rotated to a plus 20*. back down past X start point with a C of plus 2*, then X up with C at 12*, back to 20* then down to C 0 and X start point. Looked good.
I need the G code for face milling on a lathe, the line will have a G-code with a X, C, and an R value on same line. I dont have a Y axis, not a 4 axis lathe, just a 3 axis. In turning mode, a G2 is counter clockwise rotation (OD radius) and a G3 is clockwise (ID radius). Those didnt work and alarmed out.