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12 Years later, and its STILL in my garage!!

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  • 12 Years later, and its STILL in my garage!!

    Hey guys, its been 7 years since my last post so I figured its high time I posted a little update! As the title states, my fiero has been in my garage, taken apart for 12 years now! I bought it in august of 2009 for the low low price of 600 bucks.. Of course at 600 bucks there had to be some issues... The last owner said it was knocking and would spit some oil, so I knew at the very least I would have to do some engine work.. Well, when I got it home and limped it into my garage, I had a really good look underneath.. Lo and behold there was a fist size hole in the block and a connecting rod peeking out at me! fast forward 4 years (and 2 kids) later, I finally decided on just replacing the engine with another 2.8L that I got for a good price (since kids aren't cheap!).. Well I got the replacement engine on the cradle.. and that's where it sat up until last fall. My son, who wasn't born when I got the car, suggested we finally put it back together! With all that's gone on in the last year, and where I am a rotational worker (Work in Iqaluit NU and live in NL), I've been in perpetual isolation, so it made sense to finally focus on the car..
    Well, we finally have the engine in.. There's still quite a few little things that need to be completed but I am hopeful I will have it back on the road by late spring!
    Here's a few pics of the extremely slow process:
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    First when I got it waaay back in aught 9
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    The damage:
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    How it sat for many a year...
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    the "new" engine.. I've since refinished the intake manifold and valve covers though.. No internal work done to it yet
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    Short shifter with custom brass shifter

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    The cleaned up engine with some added header wrap

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    My 11 year old son helping out
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ID:	426610

  • #2
    Nice, looking forward to progress pics!


    • #3
      You seem to be making progress. Good luck! By the way, if ever you'll be in need of fresh new tires, then you may check out 4WheelOnline. Not only are their tires top-notch, but they're also very affordable.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Evan Walker View Post
        You seem to be making progress. Good luck! By the way, if ever you'll be in need of fresh new tires, then you may check out 4WheelOnline. Not only are their tires top-notch, but they're also very affordable.

        Can you make the fact that you're a spammer any more obvious?

