It's my daily commuter, 1992 GT 3.1 Auto with rare W26 option witch includes FE7 suspension, faster steering and 16" alloys.
This car has some history, it was bought from California and then shipped to florida where it was put on cargo ship to Netherlands, where i bough it from the first owner with steal price last fall, after my old base beretta went treehugging. I did fly all the way down there to get this car, since it's the only W26 model in europe as far i know!
Drove it home 700km @ Autobahn, where it proved it's reliability (my average speed was around 150km/h), except i had to fill up the coolant tank 3 times (it had a leak at coolant nipple in lower intake, witch i fixed with radiator-stop-leak fluid)
Since it's gotten lot of maintance (alternator, battery, plugs, wires and stuff + lot more)
Car was 100% original from the first owner, even had original tires... In my use, it did not stay like that for long.
I dropped it down with Sprint Springs and Added Koni's adjustable struts, put on Magnaflow muffler to it with stock look tips, and added a ghettorigged CAI, FFP dogbone, and bad fitting poly-insert. Also got the WOT-tech chip. And some exterior details bla bla bla...
Oh, and it just rolled over 101k mile, i'm going to keep it for long, so i also had professional fixed all the rust i could find from the car and it got anti-rust spray coating and underbody coating done, and added huge mudflaps behind the front wheels, that should keep it rust free for next 10 years.

Since it's my daily driver, and i do have a fully build GTZ for the fun use, i'm going to keep this car quite mild.. Bad thing is that 9.5 USD for gallon gas rapes me of with this big engine witch gets 16MPG in city driving..
However, i do really H A T E that horrible automatic transmission, witch totally and completely ruins a good car, so i'l be getting rid of that as soon i have time, i do have all the parts to do the Isuzu 5spd swap, leftovers from my base.
I also bought the Crane powermax 2030 cam and golden rollers, witch i will be using with 3x00 topend swap, i'm going to collect those parts in my vacation at US for next 2 weeks, dunno yet when i have time to do the swap tho.
Add in, that i'v never worked with pushrod engines before, except one headgasket swap. In europe cars have had OHC & DOHC engines from 1970's, no pushrod knowledge in people of my age, so i need quite a lot of learning with this thing.
