I took 10+ hours to fix but its runing. I found the crank pulley spacer was 1/8 of an inch short. It kept spiting a rib out a side so I found the flat ideler was leting it walk to one side. I went to autozone and snuck behind the desk and started rifling threw the ones they had. I found a nice ribed one that just needed a washer to move it outwords. I even had the perfect one. So I switched the sides the belt gat tensioned from. played with spacing for an hour. Got it runing in perfect alignment. I was afraid that the sc pulley would hit as well as the sc casing and the throttle cables so I cut the hole biger and clean the edges. Now I need to find the ruber doot trim so that it does not cut anyones hand. When I took it home I data loged most of the major information. Tuning start tomorrow.
Video http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...48689513383782
Video http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...48689513383782