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  • pistons

    Ok I am looking to rebuild in the spring, so I have been checking around for a rebuild kit. I found one I liked at and well i have two questions they may be really stupid but I gotta know. One Will I need new pistons for sure or Valves. And two: Will connecting rods come wiht the new pistons and if not does any one know a good place to get sum.

    Thanks Joel

  • #2
    RE: pistons

    Con rods do not come with the pistons. If the engine is running and doesn't have alot of milage your old rods should be fine. But I would have them measured to be sure they haven't stretched at all. Your valves don't nessesarily need to be replaced either. If the seats are in good shape and so are the valves you might be able to just use them as is. If they are questionable just take your heads in and have them regrind/lap your valves and seats. You can usually find shops that will do it for less that 150 bucks. Maybe you will need a couple new valves or guides, but on a running engine, it is unlikely.



    • #3
      well it is a running engine, but it has 110k on it. In my last 3.4 I snapped a connecting rod so i would love to replace all of these. Is there an place you know of that sells them.

      Thanks Joel


      • #4
        as far as preformance engine rebuilding there are many things you can do to make it stonger. as far as parts. i am going with hyperutectic(sp) pistions and stock rods. the stock rods are forged. they are very tong. maybe your last engine was defective. as far as makeing it stonger here are some pointers
        1. the block get rid of any flashing in the bolock restricts oil flow. i did this to my engine
        2. make sure there are no burs on the crank oil holes and on the main bearing cap.
        3. have the rods shot peaned to get rid of any fractures in the surface.
        4. use good parts- clivite 77 bearing, hyper pistions, get the engine balanced, and take your time. i am at 1400 dollars so far and that is just the block, crank, bearings. pistions, and some misc stuff.


        • #5
          as far as preformance engine rebuilding there are many things you can do to make it stonger. as far as parts. i am going with hyperutectic(sp) pistions and stock rods. the stock rods are forged. they are very stong. maybe your last engine was defective. as far as makeing it stonger here are some pointers
          1. the block get rid of any flashing in the block restricts oil flow. i did this to my engine
          2. make sure there are no burs on the crank oil holes and on the main bearing cap.
          3. have the rods shot peaned to get rid of any fractures in the surface.
          4. use good parts- clivite 77 bearing, hyper pistions, get the engine balanced, and take your time. i am at 1400 dollars so far and that is just the block, crank, bearings. pistions, and some misc stuff.

