Now I have started my car (rebuild) twice and every time after about a minute the front bank cam exhaust comes off on the timing. WTF. I replaced the lock ring and bolt, maybe the cam needs to be replaced.
I torque the bolt to 80 ft and then about 40 degrees. Feels real tight,
One book says 92 ft # and then 90 degrees the other says 81 ft#
Any Ideas?
I am going to pull the oil pump today to look at that b/c I am not sure I am getting oil. (that would suck) I have a new pump but the light stays on.
BTW is the oil light for pressure or level, I think it is just level.
I torque the bolt to 80 ft and then about 40 degrees. Feels real tight,
One book says 92 ft # and then 90 degrees the other says 81 ft#
Any Ideas?
I am going to pull the oil pump today to look at that b/c I am not sure I am getting oil. (that would suck) I have a new pump but the light stays on.
BTW is the oil light for pressure or level, I think it is just level.