Free upgrade to Competition Series on all Sportsman Series manifolds. $75 value for 3100 and 3400 manifolds!
Use code "I want the best!" to have your order automatically upgraded. The store will not reflect any change, as we will manually upgrade this as the orders are ported.
Please remember, 1 person is doing the port work here at WOT-Tech, the same person that has been doing these manifolds for us since our start Feb 2004. It takes about 3 days to do a set from start to finish. Each manifold is cleaned, blasted, ported, and cleaned again. Comp Series come with a painted aluminum finish. You may opt out of the paint, or upgrade to powder coating (price and colors by request only at this time).
Use code "I want the best!" to have your order automatically upgraded. The store will not reflect any change, as we will manually upgrade this as the orders are ported.
Please remember, 1 person is doing the port work here at WOT-Tech, the same person that has been doing these manifolds for us since our start Feb 2004. It takes about 3 days to do a set from start to finish. Each manifold is cleaned, blasted, ported, and cleaned again. Comp Series come with a painted aluminum finish. You may opt out of the paint, or upgrade to powder coating (price and colors by request only at this time).