DHP PowrTuner
DHP PowrTuner is an OBD-II tuning device.
DHP PowrTuner v1.2.4 [04/26/07]
DHP Database Update [05/21/07]
DHP PowrTuner Manual
How to: Megasquirt2 v3.0 and Megatune
Created by:
- Published: 02-06-2011, 09:09 AM
How to: Megasquirt2 v3.0 and Megatune
First step is to plan and buy your Megasquirt. I used a v3.0 board and a MS2 processor. http://www.diyautotune.com Currently, the latest board release is v3.57 and processor is MS3. However, you do not need a v3.57 board to install a MS3 processor. It will work for either board version. I recommend a V3.0 board because it currently has the best documentation. However, the 3.57 board is pre-assembled if you are not handy with a soldering iron. If you choose a 3.57 board, you... -
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Heated O2 Sensor Install
Created by:
- Published: 01-21-2011, 09:15 AM
Heated O2 Sensor Install
This is a how-to on installing a heated oxygen sensor into your car. The benefit of a heated oxygen sensor is that your car will go into closed loop much quicker, which means the ECM is adjusting your fuel based off of the sensor and not maps. By doing this your car will run better quicker on cold start-ups. It will also improved fuel consumption during start up, as well as reduce emissions....First, you will need to get a 4-wire heated O2 sensor with the pig-tail. -
Created by:
Created by:
- Published: 11-10-2010, 11:10 PM
...Body Style
P-Body (Fiero) 1985 L44 1226869 1986-1988 L44 1227170 A-Body (Celebrity, 6000, Century, Cutlass Ciera/Cruiser) 1985 L44 1226869 -
Created by:
Setting up HPTuners for a 60V6 Engine
Created by:
- Published: 10-08-2010, 08:13 AM
Setting up HPTuners for a 60V6 Engine
HPTuners is an OBDII scanning and programming suite that is currently being updated for better support to the 60V6 community. Before you begin tuning, it is important that your car is in the best physical condition possible.
... -
Created by:
Created by:
- Published: 09-09-2010, 05:23 PM
Code is a language that computers or simple electronics understand, it serves as an instruction set to check what sensors are doing, and tells other electronic devices of the motor what to do and how to do it. For example, fueling and spark. "Code" what we refer to when tuning our ECU's, can be compared to as an ISO that is burnt to a CD. Or if you are not computer savvy, can be thought of, written letters and sentences on a piece of paper. The paper being the EEPROM and your writing as the code... -
Created by:
Detailed Sensor Descriptions
Created by:
- Published: 09-09-2010, 08:05 AM
Detailed Sensor Descriptions
Contents1 Knock Sensor (KS)2 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve (EGR) 3 Coolant Temperature Sensor (CTS) 4 Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) 5 Intake Air Control Valve (IAC) 6 CPC 7 Oxygen Sensor (O2) 8 Ignition Control Module (ICM) 9 Park/Neutral Switch 10 Power Steering Switch 11 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) / Mass Air Temperature (MAT) Sensor 12 Crank Sensor (CS) 13 Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor (MAP) 14 Fuel Level Sensor 15 Oil Pressure Sensor 16 Oil Level Sensor Circuit 17 Vehicle Speed Sensor ... -
Created by:
Tuning OBD1 Systems
Created by:
- Published: 09-09-2010, 03:07 AM
- 1 comment
Tuning OBD1 Systems
This guide is going to focus on the basic, as well as intermediate information of tuning GM OBD1 ECU's used in 60º V6 vehicles. Notice, 94-95 OBD1 vehicles are mostly unsupported. Only the 94-95 DOHC have a removable chip and some support, albeit not much. The 94-95 A body 3100 also has some MEMCAL chip setups, and Tuner Cat is the only known definition for tuning it. I recommend getting a Megasquirt or other aftermarket computer if you have a 94-95 3100 engine. You could also convert to OBD2 or a better supported OBD1 computer. ... -
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Tuning FAQs
Created by:
- Published: 10-25-2007, 05:44 PM
Tuning FAQs
The links to other sites will probably cover a great deal more than anything I can write about currently. This page should help explain some of the basics for now and any other questions I find from those just starting out with any of this.
Q: What is a bin file?
A: A binary file with the data and execution code for your computer, listed by 4 letters and 4 numbers. Those 4 letter codes are called BCC or Broad Cast Codes. They are the identifier for the code on that particular... -
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by bszopiDHP PowrTuner
DHP PowrTuner is an OBD-II tuning device.
DHP PowrTuner v1.2.4 [04/26/07]
DHP Database Update [05/21/07]
DHP PowrTuner Manual-
Channel: Computers
02-14-2011, 02:17 PM -
by Jonpro03Planning
First step is to plan and buy your Megasquirt. I used a v3.0 board and a MS2 processor. http://www.diyautotune.com Currently, the latest board release is v3.57 and processor is MS3. However, you do not need a v3.57 board to install a MS3 processor. It will work for either board version. I recommend a V3.0 board because it currently has the best documentation. However, the 3.57 board is pre-assembled if you are not handy with a soldering iron. If you choose a 3.57 board, you...-
Channel: Computers
02-06-2011, 02:09 PM -
by bszopiThis is a how-to on installing a heated oxygen sensor into your car. The benefit of a heated oxygen sensor is that your car will go into closed loop much quicker, which means the ECM is adjusting your fuel based off of the sensor and not maps. By doing this your car will run better quicker on cold start-ups. It will also improved fuel consumption during start up, as well as reduce emissions....
First, you will need to get a 4-wire heated O2 sensor with the pig-tail. -
Channel: Computers
01-21-2011, 08:15 PM -
by SappySE107HPTuners is an OBDII scanning and programming suite that is currently being updated for better support to the 60V6 community. Before you begin tuning, it is important that your car is in the best physical condition possible.
Channel: Computers
10-02-2010, 02:24 AM -
by bszopiContents1 Knock Sensor (KS)2 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve (EGR) 3 Coolant Temperature Sensor (CTS) 4 Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) 5 Intake Air Control Valve (IAC) 6 CPC 7 Oxygen Sensor (O2) 8 Ignition Control Module (ICM) 9 Park/Neutral Switch 10 Power Steering Switch 11 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) / Mass Air Temperature (MAT) Sensor 12 Crank Sensor (CS) 13 Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor (MAP) 14 Fuel Level Sensor 15 Oil Pressure Sensor 16 Oil Level Sensor Circuit 17 Vehicle Speed Sensor ...
Channel: Computers
09-09-2010, 09:05 PM -
by bszopiCode is a language that computers or simple electronics understand, it serves as an instruction set to check what sensors are doing, and tells other electronic devices of the motor what to do and how to do it. For example, fueling and spark. "Code" what we refer to when tuning our ECU's, can be compared to as an ISO that is burnt to a CD. Or if you are not computer savvy, can be thought of, written letters and sentences on a piece of paper. The paper being the EEPROM and your writing as the code...
Channel: Computers
09-09-2010, 07:23 PM -