from an email i got from vbulletin
vBulletin FAQ Forums Newsletter
Today's Date 10-05-2006.
The vBulletin team is always keen to stay on top of newly discovered problems in the software and when a potential data-loss flaw was discovered in vBulletin 3.6.1 a patch was released within hours.
This release includes that patch, along with fixes for a number of other problems and glitches that have been found along the way.
Although this is not a security-driven release, it does nonetheless contain resolutions for several important bugs and we would recommend that all customers upgrade to 3.6.2 at their earliest convenience.
Read more about this updated version here:
Today's Date 10-05-2006.
The vBulletin team is always keen to stay on top of newly discovered problems in the software and when a potential data-loss flaw was discovered in vBulletin 3.6.1 a patch was released within hours.
This release includes that patch, along with fixes for a number of other problems and glitches that have been found along the way.
Although this is not a security-driven release, it does nonetheless contain resolutions for several important bugs and we would recommend that all customers upgrade to 3.6.2 at their earliest convenience.
Read more about this updated version here: