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New Site Questions / Help

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  • New Site Questions / Help

    Well, as much as we hope software changes go as smoothly as possible, we can only test out so much, and we will (and have) miss things. So, as you come across issues, let me know by replying to this thread and I will update the ORIGINAL POST (yeah, this one) with the answers. That way, people can open this post and get answers right away instead of reading through everything and looking (and usually missing) the answer. Luckily, I had a couple people come online right as the site came back up, so I already have a couple issues fixed and a couple answers to other issues. So here we go...

    Avatars: I already posted a thread about this, but then I decided to make this thread also. Anyway, if you want your old avatar back, and you don't have it on your computer already, send me a PM and I will get it back up for you, or at least send you a link to the file for you to put back online.

    Thread History: This probably would mostly affect searching, although some browsing might be affected as well. The site default for viewing threads is like 2 weeks. Anything after that will not show up. To fix this, follow the following instructions... Goto USER CP-->EDIT OPTIONS-->THREAD DISPLAY OPTIONS-->DEFAULT THREAD AGE CUTOFF, and then select to whatever you want it to be (I have "display all" selected).

    Attachments: Depending on the size, quantity, etc of image attachements, they may only show up as links to the actual image instead of showing the image. This one just got brought up, so I am about to start researching how to make it different. UPDATE: Ok, attachments will now show up as thumbnails. To view the full size image, just click on the thumbnail.

    More Profile Settings: Basically, just go through your profile and update everything. That's the easiest way to put it. Things like your birthday (please at least put the day and month), time zone, PM notifications, etc...

    Home Page: If you liked the "home page" look of the site, it still exists at Ben doesn't like the home page thing and would rather have it open straight to the forums, so that's what it does. I was trying to get the Recent Posts block to show up on the forums in the left column, but I haven't been able to get it working yet. But I know some people liked that feature. UPDATE Ok, I have the Recent Threads working on the left column now.

    Garage & Gallery: Yes, the garage sucks right now. I'm sorry about that. We are trying to find a module that is closer to what we had before, but it seems like it just doesn't exist. I have found a Dodge forum that has one, but contacting them hasn't been successful. I will continue to work to try to restore something similar. As far as the Gallery, I need to do some work to get it working like it used to. There is a very nice integrated gallery out there, but its $120 and we don't have the funds to do that right now, although we would like to add it in the future.
    Last edited by bszopi; 06-01-2006, 08:14 PM.
    89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
    Follow the build ->

  • #2
    looking good. i like what i see so far. u guys are getting pretty good at the software changes huh?
    The Official Rotating Mass Nazi


    • #3
      Another item, is # of posts per page. I maxed it out to the 40 limit. That way you don't have the annoying "next page" to deal with. Other boards have hacked this to up it to 100 or more. That might be somethign to check out.
      sigpic New 2010 project (click image)
      1994 3100 BERETTA. 200,000+ miles
      16.0 1/4 mile when stock. Now ???
      Original L82 Longblock
      with LA1, LX9, LX5 parts
      Manifold-back 2.5" SS Mandrel Exhaust. Hardware is SS too.


      • #4
        the picture thing seems to have stopped working. i posted 2 pics that you made work as thumbnails last night and today they are gone.
        If you aren't friends with a liar, you aren't friends with anyone.


        • #5
          Yeah, I'm trying to figure that out... I looked at it this morning, and they aren't there. BUT, if you click the post # (upper right corner of each post), they show back up. I'll be doing some more research on it tonight when I get home from work.
          89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
          Follow the build ->


          • #6
            I'm 101 years old!


            • #7
              firechicken: Yeah, like I said, update your birthday. I think there was a difference in the way the 2 different softwares stored the dates. There are currently alot of people who are over 100 yrs old.

              Doubt: I rebuilt the thread information and they reappeared. Not sure why they ever disappeared, but it seems to be fixed now.
              89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
              Follow the build ->


              • #8
                60V6 site" />

                I dont think it shows up at the top left corner of the screen unless you are in this area looking at the threads.


                • #9
                  Hey! This place looks like SHOforum! :P

                  Nice work on the quick upgrade.
                  1999 SVT Lightning
                  1996 Monte Z34 R.I.P.
                  Next BEATER: a C5


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sappyse107
                    60V6 site" />

                    I dont think it shows up at the top left corner of the screen unless you are in this area looking at the threads.
                    Yeah, I noticed that as well... It is probably from something you did. See my title for further information....
                    Ben is a loser...
                    Last edited by bszopi; 06-02-2006, 01:36 PM.
                    89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
                    Follow the build ->


                    • #11
                      Oh, well if thats your official role now, im gonna go delete some random files


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sappyse107
                        60V6 site" />

                        I dont think it shows up at the top left corner of the screen unless you are in this area looking at the threads.
                        Fixed. Yeah, I'm just that good...
                        89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
                        Follow the build ->


                        • #13
                          I'm noticing that I can't upload pics to the Garage. Also, when I change cars, it doesn't add a second car, but rather changes the first car.
                          \"NASCAR is an integral part of my life. A part of me died when Dale Earnhardt died.\"

                          1997 Olds CS 4-door S/C - 183,527 miles
                          1999 Chevrolet Lumina 3100 - Wife took it at 158,340 miles
                          1989 Volvo 740GL Wagon 2.3 8v - 232,050 miles


                          • #14
                            As noted above, this version of the garage is lame, it sucks, its worthless... We actually meant to take it down before we brought the site back up, but forgot, and then people started putting their cars back in. I'm trying to find a real version, but it might be awhile...
                            89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
                            Follow the build ->


                            • #15
                              So why the change to Vbulletin? I always thought phpbb was a much better setup...
                              Past Builds;
                              1991 Z24, 3500/5 Spd. 275WHP/259WTQ 13.07@108 MPH
                              1989 Camaro RS, ITB-3500/700R4. 263WHP/263WTQ 13.52@99.2 MPH
                              Current Project;
                              1972 Nova 12.73@105.7 MPH

