As you look at the site, please let us know if you have something to add, edit in the current articles, as well as anything that isn't even mentioned on the site. You can do this by going to the site menu on the left, and selecting "Submit News".
I have created some topics that will help us organize the comments, corrections, additions, and news articles submitted to us.
We also need your weblinks. We have 3 categories so far, 60V6 related, parts sources, and non 60V6 sites. It too is located on the site menu. I will probably change their locations to the main menu but I need to keep things organized.
I have created some topics that will help us organize the comments, corrections, additions, and news articles submitted to us.
We also need your weblinks. We have 3 categories so far, 60V6 related, parts sources, and non 60V6 sites. It too is located on the site menu. I will probably change their locations to the main menu but I need to keep things organized.