Ok, so I've changed around the homepage some. One of the biggest changes is a new option in vBulletin, which is a "Tag Cloud". Basically, what this is, is a block of search phrases that are based off the tags that people add to threads. The more often the tag appears, the larger the text is inside the cloud. When you click on one of the items inside the cloud, all of the threads with that tag show up. Kind of like a simplified keyword search.
Unfortunately, the only way it become effective is if people actually start "tagging" threads. The nice thing is that anyone (and everyone!) can do it. At the end of the thread, there is a box labelled TAGS. At the far right of the box, click on the EDIT TAGS link to bring up a text field for entering tags. Insert words that you feel are keywords for that specific thread, or add to the existing list if you feel something is missing. This will make common topics (hybrid swaps, dist o-ring leaks, dexcool, etc) easy to find for people when they are looking.
Happy tagging!!
Unfortunately, the only way it become effective is if people actually start "tagging" threads. The nice thing is that anyone (and everyone!) can do it. At the end of the thread, there is a box labelled TAGS. At the far right of the box, click on the EDIT TAGS link to bring up a text field for entering tags. Insert words that you feel are keywords for that specific thread, or add to the existing list if you feel something is missing. This will make common topics (hybrid swaps, dist o-ring leaks, dexcool, etc) easy to find for people when they are looking.
Happy tagging!!