Stock connectiong rods, part # 12515767
This forged steel connecting rod is used in all V6/60 Cevrolet engines. It has a 5.700" center to center length. Production rods are suitable for off-highway V6/60 engines which operate at a maximum engine speed of 7000 rpm. Use bolt P/N 466337 and nut P/N 361970.
350 V8 rods will also work, but require a little machining to work. The advantage to this is, the aftermarket for 350 V8s is huge, so you can find just about any spec rod you would like. They do however weigh more, so its something to consider for a light rebuild which won't exceed the stock rod spec. You can also shot-peen the rods to make the stronger. Polishing, cryo-treat, resize, and using ARP bolts are other possibilities to strengthen and make the rods work better.
To find out what needs to be done in order to fit these rods, check out these 2 pages from Chevrolet Power. There is also some crank and piston information as well.

ARP Rod bolts are also a good idea. Stock rods take Kit - 133-6002. You can find these in the 60V6 store.
This forged steel connecting rod is used in all V6/60 Cevrolet engines. It has a 5.700" center to center length. Production rods are suitable for off-highway V6/60 engines which operate at a maximum engine speed of 7000 rpm. Use bolt P/N 466337 and nut P/N 361970.
350 V8 rods will also work, but require a little machining to work. The advantage to this is, the aftermarket for 350 V8s is huge, so you can find just about any spec rod you would like. They do however weigh more, so its something to consider for a light rebuild which won't exceed the stock rod spec. You can also shot-peen the rods to make the stronger. Polishing, cryo-treat, resize, and using ARP bolts are other possibilities to strengthen and make the rods work better.
To find out what needs to be done in order to fit these rods, check out these 2 pages from Chevrolet Power. There is also some crank and piston information as well.

ARP Rod bolts are also a good idea. Stock rods take Kit - 133-6002. You can find these in the 60V6 store.