I know what your thinking,"Are you sure i can put nitrous on my car?? Ive never seen it done on a family car!". The answer is yes.
The only thing you have to worry about is how much to put. In the case of the 60º V-6, the pistons are weak from the factory and will only safely support about a 50hp increase. Anything over that, and you should consider upgrading to aftermarket Hyperutectic or Forged Pistons. After that, you can safely go with whatever your transmission will hold. Probably up to 120hp increase.
This is the kit that you would use, an EFI kit. This kit uses the vehicles existing fuel system to deliver the extra fuel needed. This system uses one injection nozzle screwed up through the airhose in front of the throttle body. It also uses a microswitch that only kicks in the juice at full throttle so that the computer uses it in an open-loop mode so that you get trouble free horsepower.
Other Nitrous systems are availible, from NOS, Nitrousworks, Compucar, and a few others. Check out the links page to see which companies have websites.
ZEX's wet kit #82021 is a bolt on
ZEX's wet kit #82021 is a bolt on