ok so here is the deal i bought a 97 lumina with a 3100 former police car for 300 bucks. it had 1 head off and was partially dissasembled in the car. i want to get it back together and running fast (soon not speed0 but performing well too. it has 146k on it and i pulled the moter out, took the other head off and started cleaning it. i will post pics later. what would be the best low cost idea for my next step?should i get it rebuilt? do you think the tranny is ok or should i pull it too
maybe just get the heads done if so what should i have the machine shop do to them? any ideas on the bottom end and what i should do? do i ask alot of ?'s ? no idea as to why the 1 head was off to begin with. the engine rotates freely by hand and the combustion chambers look ok, just slight carbon buildup. and ideas and help would be apriciated.
