Okay so I have a 1995 3100 Buick Century that I am getting rid of and I would like to take the top end off for my 1992 3.1l Grand Prix. After searching around I found a site, http://www.domesticcrew.com/660/ that has a great explanation of how to do this swap to a J-body. There are a few things however that it says to do for the J body that I am not sure also apply to the W body Grand Prix. Now it looks to me like I can use my old 3100 push rods. The instructions say I have to use custom pushrods because in 1996 they changed to pedestal mounted Roller Fulcrum Rockers arms with a 1.6:1 ratio and my Buick is a 95. So does this mean I can use my old pushrods? It also says you have to change the front timing cover. Now I for some reason was under the impression that the 3.1L J-bodies were rear wheel drive cars and that was the reason for this step. Is this the case? Or maybe I need the 3100 cover to fit the 3100 power steering pump? And lastly, It talks about drilling a whole to use the 3.1l CTS. Can I somehow splice in the 3100 CTS and not have to drill a hole? I'm working on a budget of almost zero and I'm a bit uncomfortable with having to drill into the cylinder head. And my last question is about the computer. Will the car run alright without having to reprogram the computer? I am a complete newbie and until 2 weeks ago I knew nothing about these cars so any info is appreciated. Anyway thanx everyone for reading!
