im also looking to supercharge my motor. i thought about using a gm style m90, but mounting it on the motor causes problems with hood clearance deffinitly would need a big cowl) and distributor clearance. after some research, im looking into an eaton m90 from a t-bird supercoupe. it has a nice outlet from the blower to go to an intercooler before entering the intake. my biggest issue right now is trying to come up with a throttle body-blower adapton, as the ford m90 uses a small oval hole in the back of the blower, and uses an adaptor that a big bend and just wouldnt work for what im looking at. another idea i had would be to run the throttle body after the blower (like a centrifical uses) and just have an aircleaner on the end of the blower. i certainly would have to run a blow off valve on with this te prevent damage to the blower when you let off the throttle. im just not sure if thats a very practical idea to run it that way
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