Obviously my regrind. How will this regrind work N/A or with a Blower?
Custom Grinded Cam. #1461-- 206/212, .282/.292 lift @112
I have it in a box here. If you think there is a better spec I should be using. Let know. I can always regrind the cam I have currently in my motor.
I want something that will give the most power with no tuning. Tuning Will come. So keep that in mind. but it might be several months.
note: heads & up are P&P. and with crane gold race series 1.6 rockers
Custom Grinded Cam. #1461-- 206/212, .282/.292 lift @112
I have it in a box here. If you think there is a better spec I should be using. Let know. I can always regrind the cam I have currently in my motor.
I want something that will give the most power with no tuning. Tuning Will come. So keep that in mind. but it might be several months.
note: heads & up are P&P. and with crane gold race series 1.6 rockers