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Winter Weather Boost?

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  • Winter Weather Boost?

    I know cold air is denser, and denser air has more oxygen, and more oxygen means you can burn more fuel and all.. but how significant should the winter weather boost be? I have a 91 Cutlass w/LH0, and by seat-of-pants (which I had a quantitative value), I would say cold weather driving might add even almost 40 crank HP to what I usually feel on a hot day. Is this normal, or is my speed/density system somehow out of whack? Thanks!

  • #2
    Same here. Car is much faster. Too bad we can't race in this weather. It's 2 above right now, and I am glad I kept the TB coolant hooked up. But, I am curious as to when is it "too" cold? So far, no problems....
    If you are driving a Chevy, everything else, is just a blur. 3.4 Carbon Footprint.


    • #3
      Its not 40hp, but it might be 10hp or so, even that is doubtful though. But the cold weather will make your car faster no doubt. 40hp is a HUGE difference. Thats like taking a 3.1 and doing a cam swap, 3X00 topend swap, an ud pulley, and a chip at the same time.

      I know it makes a huge difference in my Calais, but not more than 5-8hp or so, I don't notice it as much in my GP though, although if I turned the boost up due to the colder air going into the intake and intercooler, I'm sure I could see a decent gain. My dads GTP is a lot faster in the cold weather. He stores it during the winter so he never drives it when its below about 50 degrees out, but he took it out yesterday because the roads are dry right now and it was about 7 degrees outside, and from a 50mph roll it smoked the tires, not just spun them, there was smoke rolling off them. In warm weather it won't smoke them unless you're going about 30 or so, and it won't break them loose over about 45. So smoking them from a 50mph roll was quite a suprise. Obviously the car is not stock though.

      90 Grand Prix STE 3.1 Intercooled Turbo-3100 Hybrid
      K&N, Magnaflows, No Cat, Chip, FFP Pulley, H260 Cam, No EGR.
      99 Grand Prix GT
      K&N|No Cat/ubend/res|160 tstat|shift kit|UD ALT & WP Pulleys|XP Cam|Stage 2 I/C|Pacesetters|MPS|2.9"|Custom PCM
      12.665 @ 110.44 w/2.018 60', STREET TIRES, PUMP GAS!


      • #4
        You might have better compression when your car is cold. Oil pressure is always higher than when the car warms up.

        1990 Grand Prix STE Turbo


        • #5
          Air gains density at a rate of 5% more oxygen for a given voume for every 10 degrees fahrenheit lost. chemistry's so much fun


          • #6
            Well, going from my timeslips, my turbo volvo went from an 8th mile of 10.5 in 90 degree weather to an 8th mile of 9.9 in 30 degree weather.


            • #7
              I realize I was making a claim of huge gains, but that was the reason for writing. The difference in pull throughout the range is not just noticable, but significant. If I'm getting more gains than one should expect from a climate change, I was thinking of trying to lie to the car when it was warm somehow.. Although the way I understand it, BLM would trim off any mixture gains I would get from lying about MAT anyway. Thanks for all the replies!


              • #8
                Anyone with a g-tech have a coment? I would think that would be the way to tell for sure, as most dynos are in a nice heated shop.


                • #9
                  I could do some g-tech runs on my Calais to compare, but being a 5 speed, they probably wouldn't be too consistant, so I doubt they would help much.

                  90 Grand Prix STE 3.1 Intercooled Turbo-3100 Hybrid
                  K&N, Magnaflows, No Cat, Chip, FFP Pulley, H260 Cam, No EGR.
                  99 Grand Prix GT
                  K&N|No Cat/ubend/res|160 tstat|shift kit|UD ALT & WP Pulleys|XP Cam|Stage 2 I/C|Pacesetters|MPS|2.9"|Custom PCM
                  12.665 @ 110.44 w/2.018 60', STREET TIRES, PUMP GAS!

