To start with: '95 3100 early design. Had an external coolant leak by the oil pump drive/ rear head. Went ahead and took everything apart, and figured I'd utilize these 3400 heads I've had sitting in my closet for almost 2 years. Installed heads from a '99 3400, lower and upper manifolds from a '98 3400 minivan. (pre '99 manifolds- the coolant pipe inlet is already tapped!!) Reused original exhaust manifolds for the time being until I use the newer setup in conjunction with a bigger exhaust. LS6 springs with "Gen 2" valve seals. I notice my lifters made NO noise when the engine was cold. Ya know the clickity marble/rocks sound that GM claimed "piston slap" yeah sure. '96 EGR is sitting there for now, until I get the adapter plate/or find a '96 Cutlass engine bay harness w/ ecm
. I found evidence that someone else had been in this engine before I bought it, looks like they already replaced the intake gaskets! And overtorqued the manifolds obviously. There was a bunch of white sealant used across the valley and the plenum gaskets. The lower gaskets don't exactly look 10 years old either. Anyway on with the pics:
