I have a big cam in my Fiero, and I pulled the heads for what I thought was a head gasket issue, but turned out to be something else.
I was getting air in the coolant every time I would run the engine but couldn't figure out where it was coming from, so I decided to do a compression test. Compression test revealed 175 psi everywhere except cyl #3 at 80 psi. So I figured it was the head gasket.

Turns out that the exhaust valves had been hitting the pistons. One exhaust valve had managed to bend more than the others causing the loss in compression. Coolant issue is most likely a cracked head, according to the machine shop down the road.
Not wanting to give up on this cam, I decided to try making valve reliefs myself using the methods outlined here:
and here:
I finished one side of the block today:

Plan is to finish the other side, throw on a new set of heads, and see how it goes
. If it all works out then maybe others will be brave enough to try it.
I was getting air in the coolant every time I would run the engine but couldn't figure out where it was coming from, so I decided to do a compression test. Compression test revealed 175 psi everywhere except cyl #3 at 80 psi. So I figured it was the head gasket.

Turns out that the exhaust valves had been hitting the pistons. One exhaust valve had managed to bend more than the others causing the loss in compression. Coolant issue is most likely a cracked head, according to the machine shop down the road.
Not wanting to give up on this cam, I decided to try making valve reliefs myself using the methods outlined here:
and here:
I finished one side of the block today:

Plan is to finish the other side, throw on a new set of heads, and see how it goes
