engine speed is calculated from drum speed on most dynos.
The shop I go to refuses to use a spark pickup to calculate RPM, instead they assume 1:1 gearing and put in the final drive ratio. It makes for a skewed graph. My pulls were in 3rd which is 1.38:1, the .94:1 4th gear pulls were pretty similar power wise but 145MPH on the rollers with 30 people around watching isn't very safe.
I put my car on another local dyno when i first built it, they used a spark pickup and the graph was much better. The car was so lean with the stock fuel pump and pre-00 FPR that we never made a complete pull. iirc it was like 240WHP @ 4500 RPM with a 14:1 AFR.
The shop I go to refuses to use a spark pickup to calculate RPM, instead they assume 1:1 gearing and put in the final drive ratio. It makes for a skewed graph. My pulls were in 3rd which is 1.38:1, the .94:1 4th gear pulls were pretty similar power wise but 145MPH on the rollers with 30 people around watching isn't very safe.
I put my car on another local dyno when i first built it, they used a spark pickup and the graph was much better. The car was so lean with the stock fuel pump and pre-00 FPR that we never made a complete pull. iirc it was like 240WHP @ 4500 RPM with a 14:1 AFR.