hi i have a quick question, i have a 1988 grand prix with a 2.8 L.. and i got a motor 3.1 L from a chevy corscia i m gonna do the swap. and i m also rebuilding the motor before i install it.. i been looking for a good performance cam for the 3.1L i was looking at the one made by crane powermax 2030, they said i can use it then they said no, b/c it dont have distributor. but it states from 1980-1996 now after 87 they switched over to DIS. i know the s10s and blazers r 60 degree v6's too, ppl r telling me yes then no yes then no, so i dont know wut cam i should get for the 3.1L any ideas? which cams will work with what? and b computer friendly at the same time, thanks a bunch
