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Installing a tach

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  • Installing a tach

    Ok, this isnt really engine related but I didnt know where else to put this topic. I just bought a sunpro supertach 2 for my 86 2m6 and was wondering a few things, can i connect the ground wire to the frame or is there an easier way? Where is the ignition coil? And, Where shuold i hook up the power wire to? im pretty new at this electrical stuff and i dont know to much abuot it.
    oh yeah and im pretty sure this is right, but correct me if im wrong
    -red wire= power
    -black wire= ground
    -White wire= light
    - Green wire= ignition coil


  • #2
    hey... i just did this on my car... okay here goes... green wire... goes to one of the two whit wires that comes out of the distributerless coil pack... its on the front of the wire... goes to any non-painted metal near your tach.... red wire and white wire need to go onto a wire under your dash that is only on when the key is in and in the running position that you need a wire tester and that is very simple... now if your car does had a differnt distributer sysem let me know maybe i can help you out.
    91\' Mazda miata.

    92\' Lumina (sold)

