Originally posted by SappySE107
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In my spec's I showed 1.75 outside diam with .020 wall thickness. The inside diam, which is what the engine sees, was 1.36. To arrive close to your sim's spec's, I would have to use 2.0 diam tubing and .020 wall thickness (for a 1.61 inside diam - what the engine sees).
I rough measured (measuring tape stuck up an exhaust port) the 2.8 and came up with 2", don't know what the 3100 heads are. But on the 2.8 I showed the ultimate primary length to be 36.5, thus the 34.5 tubing length. Our programs were an inch off from each other.
I have noticed that there are often big differences in the different engine programs around when using the same data. I think that is what we have here. My program wants small diameter, long tube headers. Yours wants larger diam primaries, but also long tube headers (we both used 7000 RPM, it seems). The small difference in length is incidental, but the over 1/4" primary diam is a factor. I will re-run my figures to ensure I didn't miss something.
Thx for the help, BTW