Gentlemen... Thanks to you all... I have some great news..
I followed your collective advice in the original post and took the UIM and New TB down to my machinist, who promptly looked at me something like this:
and said, "Bobby... I'd have to charge you more than it is probably worth...Why not try your hand at this yourself...if you FUBAR this UIM...not to have ANOTHER one on the old engine you can use as a backup. Go home...get out your air tools and some grinding fittings and get to work...Just don't go crazy and mess up the face of the TB!"
And so... I did just that. First...I took a flat, opaque plastic lid and scribed out a 27.5 mm radius in the middle of it and then cut out the 55 mm circle. Then I laid that over the UIM TB opening and aligned it damned near perfect. Then I just dragged a permanent Sharpie pen around the outside of the circle and got a symmetrical guide this way to follow. Using all manner of grinding and polishing bits...I spent all morning into the afternoon working my way from the front to the back, gradually opening up the inside area of the hole to a depth of about three or four inches inward and refined this to the point of grinding down all the casting bumps and junk until it was very much wider, inside and out.
Then I took the edged circle out to 55.01 mm ...just to make sure that the inner 55 mm opening of the New TB would not butt up against anything when aligned over the gasket. I could NOT believe the pile of waste metal aluminum there was when this job was done! But having done this carefully and smoothing everything down on the interior, I think my first try at "hogging" out all the raw material and cleaning it up just might make for an easier "Breath of Fresh Air". Thanks one and all... and I think this thread has come to a very happy conclusion!
I followed your collective advice in the original post and took the UIM and New TB down to my machinist, who promptly looked at me something like this:

And so... I did just that. First...I took a flat, opaque plastic lid and scribed out a 27.5 mm radius in the middle of it and then cut out the 55 mm circle. Then I laid that over the UIM TB opening and aligned it damned near perfect. Then I just dragged a permanent Sharpie pen around the outside of the circle and got a symmetrical guide this way to follow. Using all manner of grinding and polishing bits...I spent all morning into the afternoon working my way from the front to the back, gradually opening up the inside area of the hole to a depth of about three or four inches inward and refined this to the point of grinding down all the casting bumps and junk until it was very much wider, inside and out.
Then I took the edged circle out to 55.01 mm ...just to make sure that the inner 55 mm opening of the New TB would not butt up against anything when aligned over the gasket. I could NOT believe the pile of waste metal aluminum there was when this job was done! But having done this carefully and smoothing everything down on the interior, I think my first try at "hogging" out all the raw material and cleaning it up just might make for an easier "Breath of Fresh Air". Thanks one and all... and I think this thread has come to a very happy conclusion!