I have an automatic '94 3.4L Camaro with nothing but basic bolt-ons... Pro-flow muffler, hi-flow cat, and K&N intake. I'm looking to do something extreme, along the lines of Tiago Salies' turbocharged Firebird [www.forcefedfab.com], but perhaps even more extreme. I read on the Engine Swaps page that someone has done a head-swap putting the 3x00 DOHC heads on the 3.4L Camaro engine... I followed the link to the pictures page, and searched the forums, but alas, I could not find any detailed information about this. I was curious as to how difficult such a swap would be, as it would definitely help out the engine in the higher revs. I took her to the track and ran a best of 16.744 seconds, and noticed that a lot of this seems due to the fact that after about 3500 RPM she just falls flat on her face... Quadruple cams and a turbo or two seem like the best way to add high-end horsepower to me!
So anyway, what do you guys think?
