After seeing some comments from members on Bosch O2 sensors... do Bosch O2's really suck that bad? I have one in my 3500, it seems to work but when I scan my O2 values are EVERYWHERE. It makes no sense really, the values it shows would have to make the engine run like crap (or not even run!) but it runs fine. On the Powrtuner forums they suggested that I may have an exhaust leak causing crazy numbers like I have, but I sure don't hear a leak and don't think I have a leak. I have wondered if it was due to the fact that my headers are setup so the O2 only reads from 1 bank (the front) but I don't know how it could be.
Engine runs fine, wideband shows that the engine runs fairly normally, but the numbers are nuts. Maybe my sensor just sucks in this case?
Engine runs fine, wideband shows that the engine runs fairly normally, but the numbers are nuts. Maybe my sensor just sucks in this case?