Hello! im wondering if there is any interest in a 4 bolt main caps for #2 and 3 journals. I will be designing a set for myself with the related drill jig for a rwd block, im sure the caps will work on the fwd blocks as well. they will be a 4130 material and hopfully enable 6-700hp. I am currently running a twin turbo 3200 hybrid in my chevette, im making 387hp and 483lbft @ 10psi and 413hp and 539 lbft @ 15 psi at the crank and i am starting to stretch the 2&3 caps and take out the bearings. im gonna be building a 3500 hybrid off a 3.4 this year and hope to make 500hp & 600lbft (4 and 500 wheel respectively).
heres the car:
12.97@109 mph car will do 112mph still working on getting the power down.
heres the car:
12.97@109 mph car will do 112mph still working on getting the power down.
